Guillermo Francella, dìas de descanso y cena exclusiva en el restaurant George`s de Miami Beach

El actor argentino Guillermo Francella se encuentra en la ciudad de Miami, descansando unos dìas y no dudò en aceptar la invitaciòn del PR internacional Gaby Alvarez al exclusivo restaurant George`s ubicado en el corazòn de Miami Beach, dònde Francella se deleitò con una especial comida italiana en un ambiente elegante, de amable atenciòn y buenos vinos. En la ciudad de sol, Guillermo tambièn disfruta del golf , su hobby predilecto en el Trump National Doral Golf Club y se prepara para viajar a Italia a concluir detalles de su ùltima pelìcula Homo Argentum, de los directores Cohn y Duprat rodada en locaciones de Italia y Argentina.

Argentine actor Guillermo Francella is in Miami for a few days off and did not hesitate to accept an invitation from international PR Gaby Alvarez to the exclusive George’s restaurant located in the heart of Miami Beach, where Francella enjoyed a special Italian meal in an elegant atmosphere with friendly service and good wines. These days in the city of sunshine, Guillermo is also enjoying golf, his favorite hobby at the Trump National Doral Golf Club, and is preparing to travel to Italy to put the finishing touches to his latest film, Homo Argentum, by directors Cohn and Duprat, shot on location in Italy and Argentina.

George`s Restaurant & Lounge

300 72nd St, Miami Beach, FL 33141, United States

especial agradecimiento: Gaby Alvarez

cortesìa foto: @alvarezgaby10_